Sitejabber Review Guidelines

How do I write a great review?

The best reviews on Sitejabber are typically detailed and informative, describing a personal experience with a website or business. You can talk about pros and cons, what you liked or disliked, and why you'd recommend it (or not). A good rule of thumb might be to ask yourself, “Would I find this review useful?” or “What do I wish I knew when I first found this business?”

Reviews can cover the services or products offered by a particular website, but can also contain feedback about the content of their site (if it’s a news site or a site hosting funny videos, for example). Basically, you can review anything that has a website.

What should I avoid in my reviews?

In an effort to provide the most unbiased reviews possible, we don't let users review their own businesses, or ones they're connected to.

We ask that you refrain from profanity and personal attacks such as hate speech, bigotry, and lewdness. (Not only do kids read online reviews – it’s plain inappropriate and simply Not Nice.)

Can I write about a negative experience?

Of course! Both positive and negative experiences are welcome and can be helpful to other buyers. That said, please be honest and provide as many relevant details as possible. Opinions are generally protected, but posting false information can have legal ramifications.

Do you ever remove reviews?

Generally, no – we believe in free speech. That said, there are certain instances where reviews are appropriately removed due to:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Second-hand experiences
  • Personal attacks such as hate speech, bigotry, and lewdness
  • Irrelevance (such as spam, or a review left for the wrong business)
  • Plagiarism

Certain reviews may also be removed by an automated algorithm that is designed to protect buyers and businesses from fake reviews.

My business received a bad review, what can I do?

Everyone gets a bad review from time to time. A small proportion of negative reviews is unlikely to harm your business, as positive reviews from your happy customers will quickly balance it out. Also, a balanced representation of customer sentiment can be beneficial. If you represent a business and would like to respond to a review, you can do so from your business dashboard. Don’t have a business account? .