Can Tom help with those of us who are not playing metal? I am a standard ballad muso and love music and want to play more often and make a career from music. Most of the comments seem to be about playing the electric guitar, although a few speak of the music business, but not very insightful in what they are saying, that it helped just.

asked by M F. on 5/20/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user ulil1

Tom Hess can help you if you play electric guitar and any of the following styles, it's not true that he only teaches metal:

- rock guitar lessons
- metal guitar lessons
- progressive styles
- neoclassical & shred
- pop
- indie
- classic rock
- blues styles

You can read all details about his online guitar lessons at

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Thumbnail of user miguelc162

No, he won't. He only plays heavy metal and with very little heart. Most people who learn from him just want to play faster solos. Go somewhere else or just use YouTube.

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Thumbnail of user eyvindurk

Tom is pretty much solely a metal player and teacher.

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