Why do so many people think this a scam & is fake

asked by Shane F. on 10/6/19

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user scottc833

In my experience it is the repeated responses to your concerns through support and then. You will get the same question from support 2 weeks later regarding something they actually thought you had resolved. Got a message onr time staying they are glad the found a resolution to a concern and no we had not in fact I confronted them about this and still waiting 5 days for the resolution to be shown to me.

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Thumbnail of user gordonl59

It is absolutely amazing to find so many doctors, lawyers, models, actresses, stewardesses, psychologists, dentists, architects, pharmacists, financiers, and various other successful professionals seeking marriage on the internet. Probably just my inquisitive imagination, but are all Ukrainian guys drunken, unemployed, violent, unfaithful, uneducated slobs unworthy of these virtuous, refined, elegant ladies?
Rest assured, foreigners are always preferred when compared to these brutal poor Ukrainian drunks. (Humor)

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